Current AI student: should I drop out?

I am currently enrolled in a Master level AI program, and as classes go by, I am starting to have increasingly more serious doubts about whether I should go through with it, so I’d love some feedback from the people that are already in the industry. The current situation is:

  1. I have a previous degree in electrical engineering, but I have graduated about 5 years, ago, and I was not the top student. Since then, I have worked in testing

  2. My math skills are pretty limited. Somehow the math in the program is not that complex, but I really worry I will need to greatly improve to

  3. The program is hard for me, even studying almost full time I struggle. Which is not necessarily a huge problem, but combined with the next point feels to me like it is

  4. My programming skills are very very meh. I know some Python and have a good foundation in algorithms, but I have never coded in a professional setting or written anything longer than 500 lines of code for that matter.

So all in all, looks to me like my chances of finding a job in the industry upon graduation are pretty slim. I wouldn’t mind doing the program as a thing in itself and then learning to code, but I’d like to adjust my expectations in that case. As I’ve said, any thoughts/input are really appreciated.

submitted by /u/randomsongname
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from Artificial Intelligence

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