General Madness: The Story Behind the Fort Wayne Mad Ants – SportsLogos.Net News

General Madness: The Story Behind the Fort Wayne Mad Ants
SportsLogos.Net News
The team had a name-the-team contest, and this one, like nearly every name-the-team contest, was basically rigged. “We were going to go Mad Ants regardless,” Potter said. “I would have put my thumb on the scales if need be, but it was the one that won

from ants – Google News

As the Powerful Argue AI Ethics, Might Superintelligence Arise on the Fringes? Last year, Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking admitted they were concerned about artificial intelligence. While undeniably brilliant, neither are AI researchers. Then this week Bill Gates leapt into the fray, also voicing concern—even… read more

from Singularity HUB

Now that’s a dead lift! Tiny ant picks up caterpillar using just its jaws – Daily Mail

Daily Mail

Now that’s a dead lift! Tiny ant picks up caterpillar using just its jaws
Daily Mail
Known for their remarkable feats of strength, this tiny ant has proven it’s no weakling by effortlessly picking up a caterpillar using its jaws. The determined weaver ant bumped into the green insect while walking across a branch and decided to pick it

from ants – Google News

How will it be possible for innovative startups to create AI: When big companies have a huge head start (Siri, Wolfram, etc.), own key patents, and development is hugely expensive?

I would love to hear your thoughts on this:

It seems like no innovative startups are creating AI that can talk to you and do everyday tasks. There are some crowdfunded projects but they are still relatively simple.

Is it possible that true AI (similar to whats seen in the movie HER) will be delivered by Apple, Google, Wolfram and similar companies or do you believe it will come from startups? If the latter is likely, how can they finance it (crowd funding likely doesn’t provided the millions needed for a leap forward)?

submitted by BoomTownOne
[link] [1 comment]

from Artificial Intelligence

Deep-brain imaging reveals which nearly identical neurons are associated with specific behaviors Researchers at the UNC School of Medicine have used new deep-brain imaging techniques to link the activity of individual, genetically similar neurons to particular behaviors of freely moving mice. For the first time ever, scientists watched as one neuron was activated when a mouse searched for food while a nearly identical neuron next to it remained […]

from KurzweilAI

Deep-brain imaging reveals which nearly identical neurons are associated with specific behaviors Researchers at the UNC School of Medicine have used new deep-brain imaging techniques to link the activity of individual, genetically similar neurons to particular behaviors of freely moving mice. For the first time ever, scientists watched as one neuron was activated when a mouse searched for food while a nearly identical neuron next to it remained […]

from KurzweilAI » News

Transhumanism Needs to Establish a Meaning to Life

It is important that the transhumanist movement establish a consensus on the meaning of life. Failure to do so will result in conflict, the extent of which is difficult to predict. As it stands today, transhumanism is a divided movement of various competing interests promoting values which are contradictory in nature. It seems the only agreement the movement has reached thus far is that the proper course of action is to promote the widespread adaptation of transhumanism.

from Ethical Technology

The Lima Accord on Climate Change – A New Hope for Health?

Two months ago the Washington Post summarized the outcome of the recent Climate Change Conference held in the Peruvian capital in these words:  “… the Lima Accord may nudge countries to do better on climate change (but won’t solve the problem)”. It looks like we might have to live with the health impacts of climate change for a while longer than hoped.

from Ethical Technology

Anti-Koch: The Fight For Green Energy is a Fight for the 99 Percent

The fact that this even needs to be said demonstrates that there’s been a breakdown in the democratic process, but we’ll say it anyway: Our number one priority should be protecting the planet for future generations. That said, green energy makes sense even if we base our thinking on economic considerations alone.

from Ethical Technology

SNPD 2015 : 16th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing 16th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing [Takamatsu, Japan] [Jun 1, 2015 – Jun 3, 2015]

from CFPs on Artificial Intelligence : WikiCFP